Thursday, September 6, 2012

Catching Up!

Hey y'all!

Can you believe I haven't posted in almost 3 weeks? Well me either!

School has started for me, and I love my classes. I'm taking two online: World Geography and Library Studies. And two in class: Beginning Latin and Leadership Fundamentals (which is the beginning of my Leadership minor!) I have all A's right now and am loving each course.

I only have class Monday-Wednesday, so I'm using this time to really explore my interests and grow as a person! I'm currently going through Sorority Recruitment (which I can't talk about til Sunday, when it's all over). Additionally, I am rushing an honors fraternity. I'm a member of PRSSA, the Public Relations Student Society. I'm also a member of hall council for the dorm I live in, and SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise).

I'm beyond excited about the way everything is going!

During November of last year, I really thought I wanted to leave USF. I was a freshman who had gotten caught up in my first college relationship, that ended badly when he cheated. I thought I wanted to transfer to be closer to my parents, and thus run away from my problems. Instead, I decided to stay at USF and I couldn't be happier with my decision. I love being active on campus. And USF is my second home.

Me on Spirit Day of Sorority Recruitment! 



  1. It sounds like you're involved in a ton right now! Good luck with recruitment!

  2. Hey Eileen!
    Just wanted to let you know I have a photo challenge going on and a few giveaways located on the sidebar!
    Hope you'll enter!!
    Love your blog!
    (I'm following you, can you follow me back?)
