My Life Bucket List

1. Get married
2. Experience motherhood
3. Sit on the Kurt Cobain bench at Viretta Park in Seattle, WA
4. Write a book
5. Get a tattoo with meaning behind it
6. Go skydiving
7. Own a house
8. Graduate college
9. Have my dream job (whatever that may be)
10. Visit Ethiopia
11. Visit Ireland
12. Visit India
13. Join a sorority
14. Sell my artwork
15. Spend New Years Eve in NYC
16. Keep a journal for a year
17. Own a Lilly Pulitzer dress
18. Run a full mile
19. Go paddle boarding
20. Watch a sunset and a sunrise in the same night
21. Read 50 books in one year
22. Learn to sew
23. Have abs
24. Go zip lining
25. See snow

And the list goes on...

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