Thursday, June 14, 2012

YouTube Channel?

Hi everyone!

Okay so this last week has been totally random and very unproductive.

My cousin and his girlfriend were visiting and I got to hangout with them on Tuesday, but other than that I have been at home being sick and achy :( I hurt my back (likely a pulled muscle) on Monday night and have been recovering since, so I've been sleeping and lounging a lot!

Anywho, this resting has given me time to watch a lot of YouTube videos, mostly from Blair and Elle Fowler! I've been obsessed with their channels for a while, and I wanted to start my own YouTube channel, so I finally signed up! The username is glittereen! Feel free to subscribe, and I plan on putting out my first video tomorrow! :)

I want to focus around beauty and home decoration tips! I hope you guys like it!

Have a Thrilling Thursday everyone!


Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Here's the before and after pictures from my organizing project that I promised y'all!

The bottom right picture is the before! The other two are after. I have so many storage boxes because these are my things from college.

After then before. 

Before then after!

I'm not really this messy, promise! This is my room at my dad's house, that I never lived in full-time until this summer, so I am just now getting around to making it clean and more "grown-up". 
I had to move home in one weekend (from my dorm), and packed myself and moved all my things myself, so it wasn't packed very orderly and I was in a rush!

Thanks for reading,

Monday, June 11, 2012


Oh of course, I promise to start writing a blog, and then I neglect it for the entire weekend. Well, where to begin...

I'm still getting used to the format of Blogger, so bear with me until I make my page unique and interesting.

This past weekend was incredible in so many ways!

Friday- I finally finished organizing and cleaning my room. It's really transformed into a "grown-up" version of itself. I know where everything/anything is, which is lovely. I'll share pictures tomorrow, so look ahead for that.

Saturday- I went shopping and signed up at Lilly Pulitzer so they call me as soon as they get their planners in! I cannot wait to keep an organized, girly planner for college :) That night, I went to the mall with the guy I'm dating. We went to PacSun. I needed to use a gift card that I've been holding on to since Christmas. It was for $50 and the total was $49.27! Don't you just love when that happens?! I got a pair of shorts, a white skirt, and two tank tops!
Anywho, after that we walked around for a while, and ended up going to his truck for a bit to talk, because the mall was so packed.
He then invited me back to his house to watch the Miami Heat game. I got to meet his parents! Which is always an incredibly scary moment, and I wasn't nearly ready as I should be, seeing as I hadn't planned on meeting them that night. They were so nice though, and totally relieved my scared/worried nature.
We stayed in his room, and watched the game. It wasn't awkward, and I didn't feel pressured at all. We just sat and cuddled and watched our team win. I even fell asleep on his chest! How cute!?
He's pretty much perfect! :)

Sunday- We had a family dinner at Olive Garden with all my dad's family, and we even invited my step dad along! I cried at the end of the meal because it was so fabulous, and I really miss all the family I don't get to see on a regular basis.

Thanks for reading this long post!

Love you all <3

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Some New News

I am officially signed up for Sorority Recruitment! I'm so excited I can hardly contain it. I think I will just absolutely love the experience, and it will certainly add to my college experience.

I'm also reading a fantastic book! It's called The Defining Decade by Meg Jay, PhD. I definitely recommend you read it! I worry about everything, and over think way too much. But this book is putting so many things in perspective for me.

I decided I want to start writing everyday, in an effort to make my life a little more entertaining and exciting.

Today, I literally just cleaned my room and slept. I hate having allergies, because I have to take Bendaryl, which then makes me sleep. It's difficult! Anywho, this is all for now.
