Thursday, June 14, 2012

YouTube Channel?

Hi everyone!

Okay so this last week has been totally random and very unproductive.

My cousin and his girlfriend were visiting and I got to hangout with them on Tuesday, but other than that I have been at home being sick and achy :( I hurt my back (likely a pulled muscle) on Monday night and have been recovering since, so I've been sleeping and lounging a lot!

Anywho, this resting has given me time to watch a lot of YouTube videos, mostly from Blair and Elle Fowler! I've been obsessed with their channels for a while, and I wanted to start my own YouTube channel, so I finally signed up! The username is glittereen! Feel free to subscribe, and I plan on putting out my first video tomorrow! :)

I want to focus around beauty and home decoration tips! I hope you guys like it!

Have a Thrilling Thursday everyone!


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