Thursday, August 9, 2012

Weird Facts

Today, my curiosity has gotten the best of me. Also, I have been researching some interesting topics, and thought it would be great to share with y'all.

1. Their is a woman who appeared on today's episode of Anderson, who married herself, complete with a ceremony, a ring, and vows. She repeats her vows daily to herself in the mirror.

Talk about Forever Alone! I put this as my status this morning, and I've gotten a significant number of likes. Obviously, many find this quite interesting.

2. People of Irish decent are more likely to have gluten intolerance/ Celiac Disease. 

I am severely allergic to gluten. Additonally, I'm half Irish. My first name is Eileen, my middle is Patricia, if that didn't set off the Irish alarms, I don't know what would!

3. I read awhile ago, that there is a family in the United States who have not revealed the gender of their child (who was just a baby when the article came out) and don't plan to. They want to keep their child "genderless" so as to allow the child to chose it's own gender identity.

This was intriguing.
But that child is going to grow up to have serious issues.
Why can't they make a political statement, without involving their innocent child?
*Also, the grandparents didn't even know the gender. Only the parents and the brothers and sisters.
** Yes, they already had kids, who were not genderless. Their last child is the only genderless one.

Weird Questions I need answers to!

1. Are people of Irish and Scottish heritage the only ones who develop red hair?
2. Are there people who classify themselves (gender-wise) as something other than female, male, or even genderless? Basically, is their other gender classifications that I have yet to learn of?

This is the first time I've gotten over 1 million in Temple Run! Sorry, I had to share. Ignore the fact that I've had this app since March. If you have any other fun app games, please share! :)

That's all I got for today,
Talk to y'all on the flip side ;)


  1. #3 is interesting. Unfortunately I feel like that child will feel completely lost in the world when they are so confused about not knowing who they are. What are people thinking sometimes? If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest posts.

  2. Married herself? So weird! I am horrible at Temple Run!

    Checkout my blog if you have some time, and follow if you like!

