Thursday, July 26, 2012

This is a Deep Blog Post (AKA Considering Changing Majors)

I've literally changed my major so many times, it's laughable. But for the first time, in a long time, I think I decided that I want to change my major again.

It's ridiculous but I'm actually thinking of changing from Public Relations (the major that I always seem to go back to) to Social Work.

Reasons to Change:
- What the heck am I going to do with a degree in Public Relations? I literally have no idea. I really don't want to end up working in an office with a bunch of paper work, and that's it.

- My ultimate goal with social work would be to do marriage/family counseling. I know this may sound silly, as I'm only 19, but I really am interested in how to keep a relationship and family afloat. Since I was young, I always have looked into deeper reasons as to why my own parents relationship failed, and I love learning about the relationships between siblings. I am an only child, and I always wonder how I would have been different if I had a sibling.

- I really want to help people. I love to talk to people to make them feel better.

- I want to be able to work wherever I end up living. I don't really want to move to, like, New York City as I would have to if I decided to stick with Public Relations (Because I'd want to work in fashion or music).

Any advice would be appreciated. alkdfjoiadufl.a,skdjf

xo, Eileen


  1. Personally, I'm a marketing major and LOVE IT. And with my major, I could go into PR which I'm pretty interested in, but I can see your point. Social work sounds awesome and you would never be without a job. Keep that in mind! :) good luck!

    1. Thank you so much! It's always so complicated to figure out what I would do best at, but my heart is leaning toward Social Work :)

  2. I have a degree in PR and to be honest all you can do with it is PR and Marketing! It does limit you but does also get you in the door to almost every industry!

    1. That's what I was thinking to, I want to be able to change jobs if I want to, but it is also true, like you said, that it can get you in the door at a lot of places! So many things to consider :)

  3. Don't worry your not the only one, i've been on the same boat. I think its a normal thing to do. and PR is great!


    1. Thanks! Most of my friends have not changed their major since they began college, so It's a relief to hear I'm not the only one! :)
