Tuesday, July 17, 2012

If You Really Knew Me

Since I have seen this on basically every blog, I decided to join the band wagon :) 

If you really knew me, you'd know: 

- I have one of the most obnoxiously high pitched voices of life. (Okay, it might not really be that bad, but it can be annoying.) And I have a loud laugh.

- My two favorite genres of music are country and post-hardcore. Yes, you read that right. If Jonny Craig and Luke Bryan did a concert together, I would be the happiest girl on the planet.
Jonny Craig
Luke Bryan

- I have an 18 inch scar down my back. I had scoliosis surgery in 8th grade, and was out of school for a month. Yada yada yada. It just looks cool and I tell people I don't need plastic surgery, because I already had metal surgery ;)

- I order Venti Skinny Vanilla Lattes at Starbucks. Yummy in my tummy.

- I'm an only child and my parents divorced when I was 6. Like any child of divorce, I could write a long sappy story of woe. I won't. It wasn't that bad and it's made me who I am today.

- I have panic disorder. I like teaching people about it. I've had many panic attacks, one so bad that the ambulance was called on my behalf during band practice...

-... Speaking of band practice: I was in color guard in high school. We placed at state and all that, it's how I met two of my best friends.

- I'm a hopeless romantic. I may have met my soulmate, but he might not know it yet. Anywho, I can't wait to get married. And not in a way that I want to rush my life by, I simply mean I want nothing more than to pledge my love to someone, and commit to them for the rest of life. I want to be the only person in my family to NOT get a divorce.

- I want 4 kids. Mostly because I was an only child and I (in the future) want a noisy, crowded home that's completely full of love.

- I'm a beauty guru. Just kidding, but I spend all my money on makeup. Oh and nail polish. I love nail polish. You will never see me without a manicure (done by yours truly).

- I love driving, yet I hate other drivers. I get very aggressive. Oh well...

- I come from a diverse background. I was baptized in a Methodist church at 3 months old, raised Catholic, converted to Judaism at 6. My step father is Haitian-American. So yes, my step-family is black. Additionally, every member of my dad's family (except my grandma) has tattoos. I love it though, because it taught me to accept others, and never judge a book by its cover :)

- Speaking of religion, I had a bat mitzvah at 15. But I sometimes read the new testament. I don't know what my religion is technically. But I love praying and I am extremely spiritual.

- I have 6 piercings. Regular earrings, one cartilage pierced, my belly button is pierced (re-did this today) and hip dermals.

- I'm addicted to Junior Mints. Like seriously.

- My first car was a '94 Chevy Suburban. His name was Macho Mike. I now have a Nisan Versa I call Vinny. Yes, I'm one of those people who names my cars.

- I have two dogs. Hope (who I've had 5 years, and was rescued through a local agency) and Pierre (who I literally found in my backyard one day, and nursed to health).
l-r: Pierre & Hope

- I never know what I want to be. I have changed my major 3 times. But now I'm back to my original major (Public Relations) and I couldn't be happier about it.

- I love quotes. Like I live by them. I have a journal for them and everything.

- I always carry some water, chapstick, and my phone with me. Everywhere.

Okay, TTFN (ta-ta for now)!



  1. I have scoliosis, too!! I haven't had surgery but my back does hurt a lot. And your two doggies are sooo cute!

    1. Thanks! I love my puppies haha :) and OMG, I never meet anyone with scoliosis! It stinks having it, and I was in a ton of pain. I did a bunch of the other things to help correct it, but we had to go with surgery because it hurt so bad, I'm just thankful I got to have it then, and not in college or anything. :)
