Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happiness & Things I Bought

So the guy I've been dating was gone all last week, on a family vacay.
It really didn't hit me how much he meant to me, until he was gone.
I found myself sitting in my house, really missing him.
I'm falling for him, that's for dang sure.
On Sunday night, we went to see The Dark Knight Rises.
When I got into his car, there was a little bag on the seat. I really didn't think much of it, and put it on the middle console of his truck, while I continued asking him about his vacation in Orlando.
Then, when I finally stopped rambling, he picked up the bag, and sorta nervously said "This is for you."
I opened it up and found this adorable necklace inside! 
(The ring is separate, but I've been wearing both everyday since). 

Is it not completely adorable!?!
I love that it's one of those necklaces that the thread wears out, your wish comes true! 
That being said, I have 3 wishes:

1. I want my grandma to be healthy.
Monday, dad and I went to the doctor with my grandma, and they're going to perform surgery to take out, what they believe to be a tumor, on her ovaries. It's scary because she has emphysema, from smoking in her younger years. That being said, the surgery is quite risky, and she could be in recovery for up to 6 weeks. 

2. I want Sorority Recruitment week to get here all ready!
I'm ridiculously nervous about this! It's over a month away, but I am already planning outfits and what nail color I will wear, and how I will wear my hair. It's so nerve racking. But I'm just hoping I get in to the right sorority for me :)

3. I want Boy who gave me this necklace to be all mine.
Seriously... I'm obnoxious. But I really am falling for him... hard.
I can see myself with him for a long time to come...

I found this at the bookstore, and thought it was cute. So I took a picture.
I bought these books at said bookstore. Yes, I bought into the craze. But I also need reading for the cruise I'm going on next week!
Then I bought these at Sally's!
I lost my teasing brush last year, and really felt like I needed a new one.
I also needed the purple cuticle pusher, because I'm giving myself manicures basically every other day.
And finally, I bought a China Glaze nail polish in "Pelican Gray" :)

That's all for now everybody! 



  1. Just started reading your blog and wanted to let you know if you have any questions about sorority recruitment feel free to ask! I was the first one to go greek in my family and had NO idea what to expect! I actually went through recruitment TWICE and was a Pi Chi (recruitment leader) my senior year. Good luck with everything!!

  2. Thank you so much! I have a ton of questions! I'm getting really nervous because it's only 2 weeks away! :)
