Thursday, September 6, 2012

Catching Up!

Hey y'all!

Can you believe I haven't posted in almost 3 weeks? Well me either!

School has started for me, and I love my classes. I'm taking two online: World Geography and Library Studies. And two in class: Beginning Latin and Leadership Fundamentals (which is the beginning of my Leadership minor!) I have all A's right now and am loving each course.

I only have class Monday-Wednesday, so I'm using this time to really explore my interests and grow as a person! I'm currently going through Sorority Recruitment (which I can't talk about til Sunday, when it's all over). Additionally, I am rushing an honors fraternity. I'm a member of PRSSA, the Public Relations Student Society. I'm also a member of hall council for the dorm I live in, and SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise).

I'm beyond excited about the way everything is going!

During November of last year, I really thought I wanted to leave USF. I was a freshman who had gotten caught up in my first college relationship, that ended badly when he cheated. I thought I wanted to transfer to be closer to my parents, and thus run away from my problems. Instead, I decided to stay at USF and I couldn't be happier with my decision. I love being active on campus. And USF is my second home.

Me on Spirit Day of Sorority Recruitment! 


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Why Do Weird Things Only Happen to Me?


Okay, so today, I went to my "girl doctor" and I won't go into specifics, because that's grody. 
But the whole appointment I wasn't feeling great. 
I haven't been in two years, and I needed a renewal on birth control. 
I walk into the office, and was the only patient in there.
I was kinda annoyed with the staff before today, because I was called 3 times in the last month to change my appointment. On the 4th time they called, I complained that it was "unacceptable and unprofessional" to make me change my appointment 3 times, let alone a 4th! 
They let me keep my appointment, but asked the name of the person who had called the 4th time. 
I'll call her 'J' for the sake of privacy.
They told me on the phone call, that J would be made aware of my feelings and they apologized for her. 
(Sidenote: I hate getting people in trouble, but I also should not have to come back from a week long cruise, to a telephone message telling me to change my appt for a 4th time).
So I walk into the office and hear the name J, after I signed in. 
Guess what?!?? 'J' graduated from my high school with me and was actually standing next to me during graduation! What a surprise! 
She also apologized to me in the office today.
I felt so awkward and bad.
We were both looking pretty humiliated.

Okay, now to my appointment:
Well, I passed out in the middle of it. 
Like I remember being in those Gosh-awful stir-ups one minute, and waking up laying down with a cold water bottle behind my neck 30 mins later. 
I was in my skivvies, so I changed, and walked out of the appointment room, and my doctor ran up to me telling me what had happened as I was paying 'J' the copay.

So then I left feeling super awkward, went to Starbucks to reward myself for, well, being me living through the humiliation.
And then bought some Junior Mints, because yeah, I needed some sugar. 

If any of you had an awkward day today, please allow my story to turn your frown upside-down! 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Weird Facts

Today, my curiosity has gotten the best of me. Also, I have been researching some interesting topics, and thought it would be great to share with y'all.

1. Their is a woman who appeared on today's episode of Anderson, who married herself, complete with a ceremony, a ring, and vows. She repeats her vows daily to herself in the mirror.

Talk about Forever Alone! I put this as my status this morning, and I've gotten a significant number of likes. Obviously, many find this quite interesting.

2. People of Irish decent are more likely to have gluten intolerance/ Celiac Disease. 

I am severely allergic to gluten. Additonally, I'm half Irish. My first name is Eileen, my middle is Patricia, if that didn't set off the Irish alarms, I don't know what would!

3. I read awhile ago, that there is a family in the United States who have not revealed the gender of their child (who was just a baby when the article came out) and don't plan to. They want to keep their child "genderless" so as to allow the child to chose it's own gender identity.

This was intriguing.
But that child is going to grow up to have serious issues.
Why can't they make a political statement, without involving their innocent child?
*Also, the grandparents didn't even know the gender. Only the parents and the brothers and sisters.
** Yes, they already had kids, who were not genderless. Their last child is the only genderless one.

Weird Questions I need answers to!

1. Are people of Irish and Scottish heritage the only ones who develop red hair?
2. Are there people who classify themselves (gender-wise) as something other than female, male, or even genderless? Basically, is their other gender classifications that I have yet to learn of?

This is the first time I've gotten over 1 million in Temple Run! Sorry, I had to share. Ignore the fact that I've had this app since March. If you have any other fun app games, please share! :)

That's all I got for today,
Talk to y'all on the flip side ;)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

This is a Deep Blog Post (AKA Considering Changing Majors)

I've literally changed my major so many times, it's laughable. But for the first time, in a long time, I think I decided that I want to change my major again.

It's ridiculous but I'm actually thinking of changing from Public Relations (the major that I always seem to go back to) to Social Work.

Reasons to Change:
- What the heck am I going to do with a degree in Public Relations? I literally have no idea. I really don't want to end up working in an office with a bunch of paper work, and that's it.

- My ultimate goal with social work would be to do marriage/family counseling. I know this may sound silly, as I'm only 19, but I really am interested in how to keep a relationship and family afloat. Since I was young, I always have looked into deeper reasons as to why my own parents relationship failed, and I love learning about the relationships between siblings. I am an only child, and I always wonder how I would have been different if I had a sibling.

- I really want to help people. I love to talk to people to make them feel better.

- I want to be able to work wherever I end up living. I don't really want to move to, like, New York City as I would have to if I decided to stick with Public Relations (Because I'd want to work in fashion or music).

Any advice would be appreciated. alkdfjoiadufl.a,skdjf

xo, Eileen

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happiness & Things I Bought

So the guy I've been dating was gone all last week, on a family vacay.
It really didn't hit me how much he meant to me, until he was gone.
I found myself sitting in my house, really missing him.
I'm falling for him, that's for dang sure.
On Sunday night, we went to see The Dark Knight Rises.
When I got into his car, there was a little bag on the seat. I really didn't think much of it, and put it on the middle console of his truck, while I continued asking him about his vacation in Orlando.
Then, when I finally stopped rambling, he picked up the bag, and sorta nervously said "This is for you."
I opened it up and found this adorable necklace inside! 
(The ring is separate, but I've been wearing both everyday since). 

Is it not completely adorable!?!
I love that it's one of those necklaces that the thread wears out, your wish comes true! 
That being said, I have 3 wishes:

1. I want my grandma to be healthy.
Monday, dad and I went to the doctor with my grandma, and they're going to perform surgery to take out, what they believe to be a tumor, on her ovaries. It's scary because she has emphysema, from smoking in her younger years. That being said, the surgery is quite risky, and she could be in recovery for up to 6 weeks. 

2. I want Sorority Recruitment week to get here all ready!
I'm ridiculously nervous about this! It's over a month away, but I am already planning outfits and what nail color I will wear, and how I will wear my hair. It's so nerve racking. But I'm just hoping I get in to the right sorority for me :)

3. I want Boy who gave me this necklace to be all mine.
Seriously... I'm obnoxious. But I really am falling for him... hard.
I can see myself with him for a long time to come...

I found this at the bookstore, and thought it was cute. So I took a picture.
I bought these books at said bookstore. Yes, I bought into the craze. But I also need reading for the cruise I'm going on next week!
Then I bought these at Sally's!
I lost my teasing brush last year, and really felt like I needed a new one.
I also needed the purple cuticle pusher, because I'm giving myself manicures basically every other day.
And finally, I bought a China Glaze nail polish in "Pelican Gray" :)

That's all for now everybody! 


Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's Okay Thursday!

This is my first time linking up for It's Okay Thursday!

So here goes nothing:

It's Okay:

... To have gotten straight bangs today. (Taking a leap with my hair is a very good thing).

... To hope that the guy I'm dating gets to meet my family tomorrow! 

... And to be totally nervous/excited for it :)

... To order the most expensive thing on the menu because Daddy's paying (Kidding!! We split the meal!)

... To give myself daily manicures.

... To not tidy up my room every single day. 

... To have no clue what I'm going to do with the rest of my life. And to figure that out when the time comes.

... To be excited that I'll be going on a cruise in a week and a half (but to be sad too, because I'm missing a lot of friends).

... To not be ready to go back to college in a little over a month. (Really, where did the time go, Summer?! ) 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

If You Really Knew Me

Since I have seen this on basically every blog, I decided to join the band wagon :) 

If you really knew me, you'd know: 

- I have one of the most obnoxiously high pitched voices of life. (Okay, it might not really be that bad, but it can be annoying.) And I have a loud laugh.

- My two favorite genres of music are country and post-hardcore. Yes, you read that right. If Jonny Craig and Luke Bryan did a concert together, I would be the happiest girl on the planet.
Jonny Craig
Luke Bryan

- I have an 18 inch scar down my back. I had scoliosis surgery in 8th grade, and was out of school for a month. Yada yada yada. It just looks cool and I tell people I don't need plastic surgery, because I already had metal surgery ;)

- I order Venti Skinny Vanilla Lattes at Starbucks. Yummy in my tummy.

- I'm an only child and my parents divorced when I was 6. Like any child of divorce, I could write a long sappy story of woe. I won't. It wasn't that bad and it's made me who I am today.

- I have panic disorder. I like teaching people about it. I've had many panic attacks, one so bad that the ambulance was called on my behalf during band practice...

-... Speaking of band practice: I was in color guard in high school. We placed at state and all that, it's how I met two of my best friends.

- I'm a hopeless romantic. I may have met my soulmate, but he might not know it yet. Anywho, I can't wait to get married. And not in a way that I want to rush my life by, I simply mean I want nothing more than to pledge my love to someone, and commit to them for the rest of life. I want to be the only person in my family to NOT get a divorce.

- I want 4 kids. Mostly because I was an only child and I (in the future) want a noisy, crowded home that's completely full of love.

- I'm a beauty guru. Just kidding, but I spend all my money on makeup. Oh and nail polish. I love nail polish. You will never see me without a manicure (done by yours truly).

- I love driving, yet I hate other drivers. I get very aggressive. Oh well...

- I come from a diverse background. I was baptized in a Methodist church at 3 months old, raised Catholic, converted to Judaism at 6. My step father is Haitian-American. So yes, my step-family is black. Additionally, every member of my dad's family (except my grandma) has tattoos. I love it though, because it taught me to accept others, and never judge a book by its cover :)

- Speaking of religion, I had a bat mitzvah at 15. But I sometimes read the new testament. I don't know what my religion is technically. But I love praying and I am extremely spiritual.

- I have 6 piercings. Regular earrings, one cartilage pierced, my belly button is pierced (re-did this today) and hip dermals.

- I'm addicted to Junior Mints. Like seriously.

- My first car was a '94 Chevy Suburban. His name was Macho Mike. I now have a Nisan Versa I call Vinny. Yes, I'm one of those people who names my cars.

- I have two dogs. Hope (who I've had 5 years, and was rescued through a local agency) and Pierre (who I literally found in my backyard one day, and nursed to health).
l-r: Pierre & Hope

- I never know what I want to be. I have changed my major 3 times. But now I'm back to my original major (Public Relations) and I couldn't be happier about it.

- I love quotes. Like I live by them. I have a journal for them and everything.

- I always carry some water, chapstick, and my phone with me. Everywhere.

Okay, TTFN (ta-ta for now)!


Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Favorites & Letters

Favorite TV Moment

I may have been 14 when The Real Houswives of Orange County first premiered, but I have been a faithful viewer since the beginning. This season, I was glued to my TV to catch every episode. I can't wait for more crazy drama on Monday, with Part 2 of the reunion! 

Favorite Purchase

This is my Lilly Pulitzer Planner in the print, "You Gotta Regatta". My mom actually bought this for me, and I am so in love with it! August can't come soon enough, so I can finally start using my planner! 

Favorite New App
You can pretty much always find me with my iPhone in hand, sometimes I even sleep with it (is that TMI? I don't care). Naturally, I'm always looking for the greatest new app!
Check out Paper'd! (Are you enjoying the noticeable Lilly Pulitzer background on my phone? This is the print, "A Thing Called Love") It's got awesome iPhone wallpapers for lock screen and home screens! 200 come with the free app, but upgrade for only $1.99 and you get 300+ extra wallpapers. It's worth the upgrade, I did it, and they're even cuter than the free version! 

Favorite Tumblr Find
I sent this via text to my boyfriend dude I've been dating and he thought it was so sweet. It's the truth though for me, and he is all 3!

Dear T, Thank you for the fun times this past week. I love just hanging out at your house being cute and everything with you. Have fun on your family vacay this coming week! I'm going to miss you a lot. 
Dear Dad, Thanks for putting up with me all summer. Only 5 more weeks to go! Just kidding though, you are really awesome and I would be no where without you.
Dear Mama, I really can't wait to spend this weekend with you in the woods! So exciting! And thank you for your daily texts, you're amazing.
Dear Grandma Joy, Thank you for allowing me to help you clean up your home all summer. It's so much fun finding family treasures, like the family bible :) Also, I've been praying for you every night that the tumor is not cancerous. Monday we find out, and I know Dad will be right by your side. Please don't be sick, I love you and need you. You bring Joy to my life (pun intended, and that is her real name!) 
Dear T's Parents (Mr & Mrs A), Thank you for allowing me to come on family outings. I know your son and I aren't technically boyfriend & girlfriend (at least not yet...) but you and your family have treated me like family. Thanks for bringing me to the movies, and for dinner on Tuesday. I loved gossiping with you, Mrs. A, about Real Housewives. You crack me up! :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Where have I been?!

Hi lovelies, 

I know I've been M.I.A. for about two weeks! I was up visiting my mom in Fort Walton Beach, FL. I love the beach life up there, as well as spending time with all my family. My grandpa turned 81 on June 30, and we had a great barbeque style dinner for him :) 

I also have been getting more organized and have gone on several shopping hauls. I really need to get a job,  so hopefully once I get back to Tampa for school, I will work on that. I would love to work at Lush or Ulta, but I'll honestly take anything I can get.

I hope you all had a healthy and happy 4th! I'll be writing a lot more, pinky promise.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

YouTube Channel?

Hi everyone!

Okay so this last week has been totally random and very unproductive.

My cousin and his girlfriend were visiting and I got to hangout with them on Tuesday, but other than that I have been at home being sick and achy :( I hurt my back (likely a pulled muscle) on Monday night and have been recovering since, so I've been sleeping and lounging a lot!

Anywho, this resting has given me time to watch a lot of YouTube videos, mostly from Blair and Elle Fowler! I've been obsessed with their channels for a while, and I wanted to start my own YouTube channel, so I finally signed up! The username is glittereen! Feel free to subscribe, and I plan on putting out my first video tomorrow! :)

I want to focus around beauty and home decoration tips! I hope you guys like it!

Have a Thrilling Thursday everyone!


Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Here's the before and after pictures from my organizing project that I promised y'all!

The bottom right picture is the before! The other two are after. I have so many storage boxes because these are my things from college.

After then before. 

Before then after!

I'm not really this messy, promise! This is my room at my dad's house, that I never lived in full-time until this summer, so I am just now getting around to making it clean and more "grown-up". 
I had to move home in one weekend (from my dorm), and packed myself and moved all my things myself, so it wasn't packed very orderly and I was in a rush!

Thanks for reading,

Monday, June 11, 2012


Oh of course, I promise to start writing a blog, and then I neglect it for the entire weekend. Well, where to begin...

I'm still getting used to the format of Blogger, so bear with me until I make my page unique and interesting.

This past weekend was incredible in so many ways!

Friday- I finally finished organizing and cleaning my room. It's really transformed into a "grown-up" version of itself. I know where everything/anything is, which is lovely. I'll share pictures tomorrow, so look ahead for that.

Saturday- I went shopping and signed up at Lilly Pulitzer so they call me as soon as they get their planners in! I cannot wait to keep an organized, girly planner for college :) That night, I went to the mall with the guy I'm dating. We went to PacSun. I needed to use a gift card that I've been holding on to since Christmas. It was for $50 and the total was $49.27! Don't you just love when that happens?! I got a pair of shorts, a white skirt, and two tank tops!
Anywho, after that we walked around for a while, and ended up going to his truck for a bit to talk, because the mall was so packed.
He then invited me back to his house to watch the Miami Heat game. I got to meet his parents! Which is always an incredibly scary moment, and I wasn't nearly ready as I should be, seeing as I hadn't planned on meeting them that night. They were so nice though, and totally relieved my scared/worried nature.
We stayed in his room, and watched the game. It wasn't awkward, and I didn't feel pressured at all. We just sat and cuddled and watched our team win. I even fell asleep on his chest! How cute!?
He's pretty much perfect! :)

Sunday- We had a family dinner at Olive Garden with all my dad's family, and we even invited my step dad along! I cried at the end of the meal because it was so fabulous, and I really miss all the family I don't get to see on a regular basis.

Thanks for reading this long post!

Love you all <3

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Some New News

I am officially signed up for Sorority Recruitment! I'm so excited I can hardly contain it. I think I will just absolutely love the experience, and it will certainly add to my college experience.

I'm also reading a fantastic book! It's called The Defining Decade by Meg Jay, PhD. I definitely recommend you read it! I worry about everything, and over think way too much. But this book is putting so many things in perspective for me.

I decided I want to start writing everyday, in an effort to make my life a little more entertaining and exciting.

Today, I literally just cleaned my room and slept. I hate having allergies, because I have to take Bendaryl, which then makes me sleep. It's difficult! Anywho, this is all for now.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Hello All,

I'm clearly just getting started on this whole blogging thing. Inspired by my tumultuous first year of college nearly coming to a close, I wanted to go ahead and start documenting my life as it happens. I'm hopefully transferring to a bigger school, but I won't announce it until I get accepted. So fingers crossed!

I have a boy in my life. I'll refer to as T. He's great. We don't go to the same school now, and we won't when/if I transfer either. Hopefully it works out, but we shall see.

Whoever is reading this, I love you, but ignore this dabble. I'll bring more interesting stuff later. I'm tired right now.

xx, Eileen